A Column Generation Approach for Graph Coloring

Session date: 12 February 2024

Session host: Konstantin Sidorov


In this session, I will discuss the branch-and-price framework using graph coloring as an example problem. The branch-and-price approach involves restating the original problem as a MILP model with (exponentially) many variables and lazily introducing them via the duality reasoning, all while executing a normal branch-and-bound loop. The graph coloring case is particularly convenient here because (a) the reformulation is, in my opinion, relatively intuitive and (b) most of the typical branch-and-price technical complications are resolved straightforwardly.

I will largely follow the narrative of (Mehrotra & Trick, 1996) but I also hope to mention some of the more involved branch-and-price topics and how they are resolved, as well as some connections to (unsurprisingly) the proof-logging domain:)

Relevant papers

  1. A Column Generation Approach for Graph Coloring
    Anuj Mehrotra, and Michael A. Trick
    INFORMS Journal on Computing, Nov 1996
  2. Selected Topics in Column Generation
    Marco E. Lübbecke, and Jacques Desrosiers
    Operations Research, Nov 2005