Multi valued decision diagrams for multi machine sequencing problems

Session date: 8 July 2024

Session host: Eghonghon Eigbe


Decision diagrams can be used for solving optimization problems. Apart from the more popular approach of using them constructively to build solutions in a top-down manner, they can also serve as a constraint store and be incrementally refined by filtering out infeasible arcs until only feasible solutions remain. Existing work has explored single machine sequencing problems or multi machine sequencing problems with identical or very similar machines. In our current WIP, I am extending this to generalize multi resource scheduling scenarios where resources are not necessarily identical, operations can be assigned to one or more resources, etc.. This requires the development of new state representations, merging rules, dominance rules, and more closely related to CP, refinement rules for removing infeasible edges. In this session, I will provide explanations of what has been done so far in the hopes of triggering a discussion that validates and/or challenges our current ideas. An honorable mention will also be made of a small success story with incorporating reinforcement learning for one of the steps in decision diagram based branch and bound.

Relevant papers

  1. Multi-machine scheduling lower bounds using decision diagrams
    Pim van den Bogaerdt, and Mathijs de Weerdt
    Operations Research Letters, Jul 2018
  2. A Constraint Store Based on Multivalued Decision Diagrams
    H. R. Andersen, T. Hadzic, J. N. Hooker, and 1 more author
    In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2007, Jul 2007
  3. Lower Bounds for Uniform Machine Scheduling Using Decision Diagrams
    Pim Bogaerdt, and Mathijs Weerdt
    In Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, Jul 2019
  4. Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Sequencing Problems
    Andre A. Cire, and Willem-Jan Hoeve
    Operations Research, Jul 2013