Formal Methods in Quantum Computing
Session date: 6 January 2025
Session host: Imko Marijnissen
In this talk I will go over some of the ways in which formal methods have been applied to quantum computing (with a focus on SAT, #SAT (model counting), Constraint Programming, and temporal planning). Specifically, we will look at previous work on scheduling for both networks and quantum computers, quantum circuit compilation, and quantum circuit analysis.
We will see that formal methods/combinatorial optimisation have been previously applied in the context of quantum computing and that this is a trend which will likely continue in the future.
Relevant papers
- Instruction scheduling for blind quantum computingB DorlandTU Delft, May 2023
Quantum networks offer more capabilities than classical networks. For example, quantum networks can solve certain problems faster than classical networks and they can even solve problems which cannot be solved with classical networks. One well-known quantum network application is blind quantum computing (BQC). In a BQC application a client node sends a computation to a server node in the network. The server node performs this computation without knowing the details about the actual input or computation being performed and returns the result of the computation to the client node. Quantum applications are often repeated many times, due to randomness that is involved in the result of executing a quantum application. When a server node performs BQC repeatedly with multiple client nodes, there follows an interesting problem how all corresponding instructions can be scheduled for the server optimally, given that certain types of instructions referred to as entanglement instructions can only be scheduled at given moments by a so called network schedule. One classical metric used to assess the quality of a schedule is makespan, which is the time that it takes to complete all instructions. A quantum oriented metric involved is success probability, which indicates what fraction of executions yield a desired result when repeatedly executing an application. In this thesis, an experimental demonstration is given of the use of constraint programming (CP) for the scheduling of instructions of quantum network applications. This demonstration focuses on scheduling instructions that the server node should execute when performing BQC repeatedly with a small number of client nodes at the same time. Different CP models are presented that assign start times to tasks that the server node should execute. By comparing the CP models to a baseline scheduler that schedules tasks as soon as possible, it was found that CP can be used to reduce the makespan when BQC is performed by the server node with multiple clients at the same time, while preserving a similar success probability. A main drawback that followed from the CP approach is scalability. Future work is to be done on studying how CP can be used for larger quantum networks.
- Evaluating an RCPSP Implementation of Quantum Program SchedulingH JirovskáTU Delft, May 2023
The goal of quantum application scheduling is to enable the execution of applications on a quantum network. As the final step in the application scheduling process, program scheduling locally schedules execution of blocks of instructions on each node by defining so-called node schedules. In this thesis, we present a formal definition of program scheduling and propose success metrics to evaluate the quality of node schedules. We implement program scheduling using the framework of Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) and and simulate the execution of node schedules. By evaluating the performance of program scheduling on datasets with diverse quantum applications including quantum key distribution and blind quantum computing, we observe that heuristic-driven approaches achieve comparable results to optimal program scheduling while requiring fewer computational resources. Our work offers valuable insights into the translation of classical scheduling problems into the quantum domain, contributing to the advancement of quantum application scheduling.
- Using Boolean satisfiability for exact shuttling in trapped-ion quantum computersDaniel Schoenberger, Stefan Hillmich, Matthias Brandl, and 1 more authorIn 2024 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Jan 2024
Trapped ions are a promising technology for building scalable quantum computers. Not only can they provide a high qubit quality, but they also enable modular architectures, referred to as Quantum Charge Coupled Device (QCCD) architecture. Within these devices, ions can be shuttled (moved) throughout the trap and through different dedicated zones, e.g., a memory zone for storage and a processing zone for the actual computation. However, this movement incurs a cost in terms of required time steps, which increases the probability of decoherence, and, thus, should be minimized. In this paper, we propose a formalization of the possible movements in ion traps via Boolean satisfiability. This formalization allows for determining the minimal number of time steps needed for a given quantum algorithm and device architecture, hence reducing the decoherence probability. An empirical evaluation confirms that—using the proposed approach—minimal results (i.e., the lower bound) can be determined for the first time. An open-source implementation of the proposed approach is publicly available at
- Generating shuttling procedures for constrained silicon quantum dot arrayNaoto Sato, Tomonori Sekiguchi, Takeru Utsugi, and 1 more authorarXiv [quant-ph], Jan 2024
In silicon quantum computers, a single electron is trapped in a microstructure called a quantum dot, and its spin is used as a qubit. For large-scale integration of qubits, we previously proposed an approach of arranging the quantum dots in a two-dimensional array and sharing a control gate in a row or column of the array. In our array, the shuttling of electrons is a useful technique to operate the target qubit independently and avoid crosstalk. However, since the shuttling is also conducted using shared control gates, the movement of qubits is complexly constrained. We therefore propose a formal model on the basis of state transition systems to describe those constraints and operation procedures on the array. We also present an approach to generate operation procedures under the constraints. Utilizing this approach, we present a concrete method for our 16 \times 8 quantum dot array. By implementing the proposed method as a quantum compiler, we confirmed that it is possible to generate operation procedures in a practical amount of time for arbitrary quantum circuits. We also demonstrated that crosstalk can be avoided by shuttling and that the fidelity in that case is higher than when crosstalk is not avoided.
- Quantum Circuit Compilation: An Emerging Application for Automated ReasoningDavide Venturelli, Minh Do, Bryan O’Gorman, and 6 more authorsIn Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop, Apr 2019
Quantum computing is an information processing paradigm with the potential to solve certain problems faster than any algorithm running on classical computer architectures. In the next few years, new processors will be developed that support quantum computations exceeding the simulation ability of even the largest classical computer systems. A number of academic and industrial groups are developing prototypes of such devices, also known as NISQ (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum) processors. Much as software must be compiled to run on classical computers, quantum algorithms must be compiled to take into account the constraints of particular NISQ devices. Especially in these early prototypes, algorithm performance degrades with runtime due to noise; for this reason, minimizing the runtime of the compiled algorithm (which is represented by a ”quantum circuit”) is critical. We describe a software framework to enable an automated reasoning approach to Quantum Circuit Compilation for NISQ architectures (QCC-NISQ), and our current implementation of it as part of software suite for automated, architecture-aware, compilation for emerging quantum computers. The key components of this suite are a circuit synthesizer, a QCC solver, and a visualizer. These tools provide critical support for the continued development of practical quantum computers and research into quantum algorithms.
- Compiling quantum circuits to realistic hardware architectures using temporal plannersDavide Venturelli, Minh Do, Eleanor Rieffel, and 1 more authorQuantum science and technology, Apr 2018
To run quantum algorithms on emerging gate-model quantum hardware, quantum circuits must be compiled to take into account constraints on the hardware. For near-term hardware, with only limited means to mitigate decoherence, it is critical to minimize the duration of the circuit. We investigate the application of temporal planners to the problem of compiling quantum circuits to newly emerging quantum hardware. While our approach is general, we focus on compiling to superconducting hardware architectures with nearest neighbor constraints. Our initial experiments focus on compiling Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz (QAOA) circuits whose high number of commuting gates allow great flexibility in the order in which the gates can be applied. That freedom makes it more challenging to find optimal compilations but also means there is a greater potential win from more optimized compilation than for less flexible circuits. We map this quantum circuit compilation problem to a temporal planning problem, and generated a test suite of compilation problems for QAOA circuits of various sizes to a realistic hardware architecture. We report compilation results from several state-of-the-art temporal planners on this test set. This early empirical evaluation demonstrates that temporal planning is a viable approach to quantum circuit compilation.
- Comparing and integrating constraint programming and temporal planning for quantum circuit compilationKyle Booth, Minh Do, J Beck, and 3 more authorsProceedings of the ... International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Jun 2018
Recently, the makespan-minimization problem of compiling a general class of quantum algorithms into near-term quantum processors has been introduced to the AI community. The research demonstrated that temporal planning is a strong approach for a class of quantum circuit compilation (QCC) problems. In this paper, we explore the use of constraint programming (CP) as an alternative and complementary approach to temporal planning. We extend previous work by introducing two new problem variations that incorporate important characteristics identified by the quantum computing community. We apply temporal planning and CP to the baseline and extended QCC problems as both stand-alone and hybrid approaches. Our hybrid methods use solutions found by temporal planning to warm start CP, leveraging the ability of the former to find satisficing solutions to problems with a high degree of task optionality, an area that CP typically struggles with. The CP model, benefiting from inferred bounds on planning horizon length and task counts provided by the warm start, is then used to find higher quality solutions. Our empirical evaluation indicates that while stand-alone CP is only competitive for the smallest problems, CP in our hybridization with temporal planning out-performs stand-alone temporal planning in the majority of problem classes.
- Disentangling the gap between quantum and #SATJingyi Mei, Jan Martens, and Alfons LaarmanIn Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Jun 2025
Weighted model counting (#SAT) has recently been shown to deliver a promising new method for tackling core problems in quantum circuit analysis. However, the development of weighted model counting tools is currently strongly motivated by applications in the domain of probabilistic computing, where weights consist of positive probabilities. Quantum computing, on the other hand, deals with complex amplitudes, which include the negative domain and are subject to the \ell ^2 norm, contrary to the \ell ^1 norm used for probabilities. The current paper explores reductions from quantum circuit semantics to weighted model counting over the complex, real, natural and integer numbers (e.g., #\text SAT_\mathbb C, #\text SAT_\mathbb R, etc.), and various sub(semi)rings of those. This study thereby charts tradeoffs between counting over simpler algebras and the costs of the reduction. While previous works recommend the use of different (semi)rings, like those including negative numbers, we can now more precisely state the tradeoff introduced by this change as (polynomial) blowup of the length of the encoding as #SAT formula, the number of variables and the structure of the formula. Moreover, our final encoding to #\text SAT_{0,1} (unweighted model counting) represents an exact solution, obviating the need for floating-point calculations that could potentially cause numerical instability.
- Equivalence checking of quantum circuits by model countingJingyi Mei, Tim Coopmans, Marcello Bonsangue, and 1 more authorIn Automated Reasoning, Jun 2024
AbstractVerifying equivalence between two quantum circuits is a hard problem, that is nonetheless crucial in compiling and optimizing quantum algorithms for real-world devices. This paper gives a Turing reduction of the (universal) quantum circuits equivalence problem to weighted model counting (WMC). Our starting point is a folklore theorem showing that equivalence checking of quantum circuits can be done in the so-called Pauli-basis. We combine this insight with a WMC encoding of quantum circuit simulation, which we extend with support for the Toffoli gate. Finally, we prove that the weights computed by the model counter indeed realize the reduction. With an open-source implementation, we demonstrate that this novel approach can outperform a state-of-the-art equivalence-checking tool based on ZX calculus and decision diagrams.
- Simulating quantum circuits by model countingJingyi Mei, Marcello Bonsangue, and Alfons LaarmanIn Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Jun 2024
Quantum circuit compilation comprises many computationally hard reasoning tasks that lie inside #$\textsfPPand its decision counterpart in \textsfPP$PP. The classical simulation of universal quantum circuits is a core example. We show for the first time that a strong simulation of universal quantum circuits can be efficiently tackled through weighted model counting by providing a linear-length encoding of Clifford+Tcircuits. To achieve this, we exploit the stabilizer formalism by Knill, Gottesmann, and Aaronson by reinterpreting quantum states as a linear combination of stabilizer states. With an open-source simulator implementation, we demonstrate empirically that model counting often outperforms state-of-the-art simulation techniques based on the ZX calculus and decision diagrams. Our work paves the way to apply the existing array of powerful classical reasoning tools to realize efficient quantum circuit compilation; one of the obstacles on the road towards quantum supremacy.
- Advancing quantum computing with formal methodsArend-Jan Quist, Jingyi Mei, Tim Coopmans, and 1 more authorIn Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Jun 2025
AbstractThis tutorial introduces quantum computing with a focus on the applicability of formal methods in this relatively new domain. We describe quantum circuits and convey an understanding of their inherent combinatorial nature and the exponential blow-up that makes them hard to analyze. Then, we show how weighted model counting (#SAT) can be used to solve hard analysis tasks for quantum circuits.This tutorial is aimed at everyone in the formal methods community with an interest in quantum computing. Familiarity with quantum computing is not required, but basic linear algebra knowledge (particularly matrix multiplication and basis vectors) is a prerequisite. The goal of the tutorial is to inspire the community to advance the development of quantum computing with formal methods.